Bakery equipment for Bangladesh
The Bangladesh Skills for Employment and Productivity (B-SEP) Project aims to improve the national enabling environment for industry skills development and the increased employability of young and adult women and men.
It targets government agencies and their staff, employers, workers, training institutions, students & trainees with a particular focus on groups disadvantaged in the labour market.
It will enhance the market-relevance & effectiveness of the national TVET and skills system allowing for better quality, more access and an improved capacity to provide and sustain demand driven services.
The project will also help create a better trained and qualified workforce with increased economic opportunities in target sectors namely Agro-Food Processing, Ceramics, Furniture, Pharmaceuticals and Tourism and Hospitality, which will contribute to sustainable economic development, poverty reduction, and social inclusion in Bangladesh.
In cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh, the ILO is implementing this project which is funded by the Government of Canada.
GRAIDCO has been awarded the contract by the International Labour Organization (ILO) for the supply of equipment to establish an Baking Laboratory for Narsingdi Polytechnic Institute.
Beside the supply of equipment our local agent also done installation and training of two trainers for two weeks on the usage of the machines.